Project description

Sophie Pywell's artistic practice is centred around exploring the intersections of feminism and religion. In particular, she aims to address the restriction that Christianity can put on women, deeming people to be either sexual or moral, saints or sinners. Her work invites viewers to explore a world beyond what is immediately visible, to engage with suppressed stories and histories, and to discover new ways to celebrate and embrace identity.

confession booths
confession booths
confession booths
confession booths
Hand embroidered confession booth
Details of 'Lucifer', 2023
Details of 'Eve' 2023
Hand decorated chairs
'Mary', 2023, acrylic and gold leaf on wood

This painting a piece that defined the direction of my work as I approached the Degree show. The oil pastel details are a folkloric reference that contradict the religious undertones of the piece, and the gold tears celebrate the range of emotions that women are capable of - the beauty of being a multifaceted being, despite the restrictions that have often been put on the representation of the Madonna in history.


'Mary', 2023
Cover image of oil pastel drawings on acrylic
'Lilith', 2022, acrylic on wood
'Eve- The liberation of woman', 2023

This video celebrates the process behind creating art, and highlights craft as being an equal to art. Although craft has been seen as a domestic art form for women, here it is used to tell the story of Eve, reworded and retold.

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Painting - BA (Hons)

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