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Architecture & Landscape Architecture - ESALA
Advanced Sustainable Design - MSc
Architectural and Urban Design - MSc
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Architecture - MArch
Landscape and Wellbeing - MSc
Landscape Architecture - MA
Landscape Architecture - MLA
Urban Strategies and Design - MSc
Visit Art
Contemporary Art Practice - MA
Fine Art - MA (Hons)
Intermedia - BA (Hons)
Painting - BA (Hons)
Photography - BA (Hons)
Sculpture - BA (Hons)
Visit Design
Animation - BA (Hons)
Design and Digital Media - MSc/Diploma
Design for Change - MA
Design Informatics - MFA/MA
Digital Media Design - MSc Online Distance Learning
Fashion - BA (Hons)
Film and Television - BA (Hons)
Film Directing - MA
Graphic Design - BA (Hons)
Graphic Design - MA
Illustration - BA (Hons)
Illustration - MA
Interior Design - BA (Hons)
Interior, Architectural and Spatial Design - MA
Jewellery and Silversmithing - BA (Hons)
Performance Costume - BA (Hons)
Product Design - BA (Hons)
Textiles - BA (Hons)
History of Art
Visit History of Art
Visit Music
Acoustics and Music Technology - BSc (Hons)
Music - BMus (Hons)
Sound Design - MSc
Student List
Curated collections
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Folahan Adelakun
Folahan Adelakun
Framing Timber: Leith croft community centre
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Tallulah Bannerman
Tallulah Bannerman
The Civic Coalition: A Tale as Old as Time
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Michael Becker
Michael Becker
A Habit of Building
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Orla Bell
Orla Bell
Grid and Anti-Grid: A Choreographed Disorder
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Lucy Boyd
Lucy Boyd
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Charlotte Brooks
Charlotte Brooks
'A Campus of the Ground': Architectural investigations of (Un)Knowing through Timescapes and Translations
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Gianluca Luciano Cau Tait
Gianluca Luciano Cau Tait
The Printworks
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Kevin Chen
Kevin Chen
Timber Hardshell
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Ice Chitmeesilp
Ice Chitmeesilp
Zero Kilometre: Leith Urban Croft Food Hub
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Eilidh Duffy
'An evening on the croft,' 1:50 inhabited ground floor plan
Eilidh Duffy
Stories of Urban Crofting: Cultivating an Environment of Collective Care
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Olivia Fauel
Olivia Fauel
The Old Town Activities Centre
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Terry Feng
Terry Feng
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Melisa Hamzaoglu
Melisa Hamzaoglu
[Re] - Building Kyojima
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Jemima Harrison
Jemima Harrison
Generational Village in Kyojima, Tokyo
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
James Haynes
James Haynes
A Tober: an Architecture of Resilience + Joy
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Vivi Hsia
Vivi Hsia
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Michael Kan
Michael Kan
Resilient Hardshell
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Yuan Kang
Bees garden mapping in Brno
Yuan Kang
Mendel’s Legacy: The Bee Garden and Educational Apiary
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Geonyeong Kim (Gerry)
Geonyeong Kim (Gerry)
Search for 'Prolonged'
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Kim Lee
Kim Lee
Modular Housing for Earthquake Resilience
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Ching-En Lin (Eric)
Front civic space
Ching-En Lin (Eric)
Stepping Stone Food Hub
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Holly Ng
Approach from Great Junction Street
Holly Ng
Leith Children's Library and Community Centre
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Caoilin O'Meara
Amphitheatre in Use: Light Earth Showcase
Caoilin O'Meara
Making in the Meanwhile: Edinburgh's Construction Futures Hub
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Mina Pabuccuoglu
1:100 Sectional Model of Final Design (Plaster and Balsa Wood)
Mina Pabuccuoglu
From Seed to Plate
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Joel Pacini
Joel Pacini
Inhabiting a Post-Carbon City
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Ioanna Peponi
Ioanna Peponi
Space Embodied
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Mikele Perez-Jamieson
Mikele Perez-Jamieson
Urban Ground: Community Growing and Learning Garden
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Chris Pirrie
Chris Pirrie
Common Space
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Fah Rodloytuk
Fah Rodloytuk
Fragments Recast: Transforming an Urban Block in Leith
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Louis Ross
Louis Ross
Leith Community Sports Centre
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Divya Shah
Sequence of Project Buildup
Divya Shah
An Auditory Embassy of Activism
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Alon Shahar
Alon Shahar
An Architecture of Gleaning - Garlic Tower + Urban Homestead
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Mei Hang Sou
Perspective interior view showing the proposed multipurpose studio, with a significance on the angled louvres.
Mei Hang Sou
Ageing with Dancing
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Tereza Staskova
Photograph of 1:50 Sectional Model
Tereza Staskova
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Sam Symes
Sam Symes
On Shore Drift
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Chloe Tunnell
Ground Floor Plan
Chloe Tunnell
(hyper)local: Redefining Ocean Terminal
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Rebearth_Live Work Home
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Cosmo Wezenbeek
Peat 'Ground'
Cosmo Wezenbeek
The Hydrological Commons: An Instrument to Measure, Store and Mediate Water
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)
Tubohao (Arya) Yang
Tubohao (Arya) Yang
Architecture - BA/MA (Hons)