It's an archive of docile species. All creatures are considered invaders, including humans. Invasive species are modified, watched, disciplined, trained, and eventually gradually transformed into docile species. The eradication of invasive species is a form of 'discipline', but it is also a constant dismantling of value rationality, with humans exercising 'disciplinary power' over the environment as predators. And 'surveillance' gradually dissolves the distinction between the individual and society.

Project Significance

Species invasions mostly represent a pejorative signifier that these species are harmful to humans. And humans, as dominant, often have to manage natural species, just as each species must have its own space to live. These species are in a certain system and rules, they have their own codes and identities and are constantly being watched by humans and they can't break out of that System. So l use the private and closed structure of the archival form to present and to think about the relationship between these species and human beings.


Valuable Life Forms | A call for a more inclusive definition of life, a greater moral and ethical response and responsibility towards non-human life forms in an age of species ambiguity and species mixing, questioning the hierarchical order of life forms and their subsequent exploitation and even eradication.

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Graphic Design - MA

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